Attention BUSY MOMS please read carefully before embarking on a weight loss plan. It will SAVE you money and the heartbreak of seeing no results.
Marie’s story is our case study and your guide to avoid the pitfalls many women 30 and up fall into when selecting a weight loss system that works best for them.
As we age, skin begins to sag, we gain weight in unwanted places, our faces drop and excess weight speeds up the effects of aging. We all know this and it stinks.
As a busy mom, Marie had limited time and little to no motivation to spend an hour in the gym every day while balancing her profession and family life. As the years passed, the pounds slipped on fast, and she felt less confident. Marie tried ‘every fad diet out there’ and they did not work for her...the weight gain persisted.
The ball finally dropped where Marie realized this would be a lifelong problem as early signs of diabetes were diagnosed in her routine checkups. This was more than looks and fitting into skinny jeans, her health and life were at risk.
MISTAKE #1 - No support: This one tip will give you the greatest likelihood of losing the weight and keeping it off for good. You don’t have to take this on alone. Countless women lose the desire to stay the course, fighting bouts of depression, juggling family life and work where their personal well being is last on the list. A positive support group to keep you motivated on your path is the #1 recommended tip for women embarking on a weight loss system. As a personal trainer for more than 20 years, my tried and true system is so successful because I’m with you every step of the way to get you through the ups and downs. If you stay the course you will get the results.
Marie had anxiety and felt ASHAMED and depressed about her health. She admitted to feeling less attractive to her husband ...even her own self CONFIDENCE suffered.
It just became harder and harder to look in the mirror but especially at her stomach and legs.
She felt trapped behind a body she didn’t recognize with added layers of CELLULITE from the weight gain many women can relate to.
Don’t worry, this will NOT BE YOU! We can turn things around and melt that weight off.
Fortunately for Marie, she did not wait any longer to let her body weight snowball out of control. Marie TOOK ACTION, and YOU should too.
I have a tailor made natural solution for busy moms to tone up and stop weight gain in its tracks...welcome back to a more vibrant youthful YOU!
My 66 Day Busy Mom transformation blueprint will reset your body..tone you up, and melt unwanted fat as ALL of my busy mom’s can attest to.
YES, this system is PERFECT for women. There are no gyms, no dieting fads, no fasting, no weights, no calorie counting, no food weighing, no long excessive workouts. This Fitness Plan is a natural weight loss blueprint for busy women made by a busy woman. Best of all, it is proven with many happy moms.
I will unlock the natural fat burner in you.
MISTAKE #2 - Jumping into fad diets: Many women will jump headfirst into a new fad weight loss system of the month, looking for a quick shortcut solution. I don’t blame them. We all want Quick results. But Don’t be so fast to throw your money away to hopeless programs that will lead you to more frustration and depression. Worst of all, diets which are a shock to your system may lead to temporary hair-loss as claimed in some cases on ketogenic regiments. Let’s take it back to basics. SIMPLICITY. I have helped MANY women reach their desired weight goals by avoiding the fads with my 66 day challenge.
Marie found me; a specialist in Womens’ weight loss. As a certified trainer, contributor for top brands like Weight Watchers and starring on Global morning news, I have over 20 years of experience as a weight loss specialist and helped many women just like you to unlock their natural fat burner and achieve their dream physiques...they keep the weight off and feel happy and vibrant.
You can also be the new Marie!
(*Verified Busy Mom transformations courtesy of tinatoner.com)
And you can see many more busy mom successes that are SO HAPPY now for taking the 66 day challenge..real women just like YOU!
MISTAKE #3 - Wrong exercises: I am sure we have all been there, stretched out in a weird posture jerking back and forth hoping to target a problem area. Women in their 30s often gain the weight in the same specific areas, which is why your workout exercises should be very targeted. Save time and energy without risking injury. I have your workout program down to a science, to optimize the greatest results in shorter, more efficient workouts. The 66-Day Weight Loss System is geared to the busy mom who does not have any time to waste.
Marie’s success can be your success too.
Here’s what you get with the Busy Mom Weight Loss System:

- 66-Day online PDF and Video HIIT workouts done on your OWN time at your OWN pace in 30-minute or less
- Customizable Lean Body Nutrition Plan (a $97 value)
- Private Facebook Accountability Group
- Access to me on your journey with online coaching calls (a $599 value)
Me! Your very own online personal trainer with you LIVE in a private FB group during your 66 day transformation.
I provide you FULL MOTIVATION and a support group so you stay the course! Other systems leave you on your own..I stay with you.
Easy to follow 30-minute or less, HIIT workouts done on your OWN time at your OWN pace
- Printable PDF with video exercises
- Nutrition Plan for Guaranteed weight loss (a $97 value)
30-min or less Bodyweight workouts done on your own time; PERFECT for the busy woman with limited time and space
Today I have a great BONUS for you : TWO Amazing 1 on 1 personal training sessions. I’ll see YOU and you’ll see me as we train online together and chat about your personal goals. What you learn in these 2 sessions will catapult your natural fat burner
I would love to take on every busy mom struggling with weight because my system can help ALL MOMS! But because this system is so customized with me by your side at every step I can only take on a select small group of women.
(*Tina Toner's fitness feature courtesy of Global News)
There are still 12 places left for this cycle. Take that step and be the next busy mom success.
I made this busy mom system for YOU. Let me be your motivation and drive to transform you and bring out that confident vibrant person you are. Take that first step and try my busy Mom Weight Loss Blueprint half price today!
Do it for your health, do it for your family..but most importantly, do it for you. I have seen so many life changing successes with literally tears of joy from women who never thought they could lose the weight.
My system works and I want YOU to be my next success story. I want to help as many women achieve their goals without it costing an arm and a leg. Click the TAKE ACTION button now and let’s make the change for only $169 TODAY!
And by the way,
That is a savings of over $500 just by acting today
when you hit the "YES! Order Now" button!
At today's heavily discounted price of only $169 TODAY, you’ll be saving over 50% off!
You’re moments away from improving – and potentially saving – your life.
I want to erase any reason you might still be on the fence about turning your entire life around.
And don't forget, you'll always have access to me if you ever have any questions or concerns 24/7.